Wednesday, July 21

I'm Still Here and Kekoa is Still in the Womb!!

Hello Everyone!

I know I have been gone for soooo long!! I am A-OK and so is Kekoa!

I have been cleaning like no other and working in my sweat shop. Yes that's right.. my sweat shop. I have FINALLY opened up the sewing maching my amazing boyfriend bought me for Christmas! Aaaaaannnnndddd I LOVE i! I have been sewing like mad.. and my family keeps sending me home with new clothes to hem and take in.

But anyways.. back to the baby stuff! I have been off work for two weeks now and I am due in NINE DAYS! OH MY GOD! I can't even believe it.

I have so much to talk about I am bouncing around all over the place. The last two weeks have been so eventful... NOT. I have done NOTHING but CLEAN and CLEAN and CLEAN (and sew) and I have reorganized every cupboard I could reach.. leaving only two for AC because I am not tall enough and do not want to risk falling off a chair. I have no idea what are in those cabinets and do not want to find out nine and half months pregnant, flat on my back with piles of only God knows what piled on top of me. :)

I have also recovered my very own glider chair!! YAY! I found it on craigslist, along with this changing table, for $75 for both! My friend Christina needed a changing table so we bought both pieces and she paid me for the table. It worked out great.



It is sooo comfortable! I added foam to the seat cushion as well as the ottoman for extra comfort. When I went to the fabric store the foam was actually pretty pricey and I wasn't sure just how much I would need. So AC and I went to walmart and bought a full size mattress topper for 9.00! So I traced the old foam from the chair onto the mattress topper and then cut it out and VOILA! New foam for a 1/4 of the price! :) I also found that the fabric was pretty pricey also, well at least all the fabric that I actually liked. So this pattern fabric is really a table cloth I bought from Target for under 15.00! And I had PLENTY left over to still make a pillow or something else out of. AC spray painted the whole chair for me! It took about three cans of paint at 2.00 a can, so overall this chair was pretty cheap I think.

And my Noni made Kekoa that BEAUTIFUL crocheted blanket hanging on the chair! Its so cozy!!

The "slipcovers" were really easy to sew. The arms and back cushion were pretty much like making pillow cases! AC helped me staple the arms to the chair and the seat cushion and back cushion are velcroed closed so I can still take them off and wash them. The ottoman was super simple, we just stapled the fabric to to bottom. The seat cushion was the tricky part... I needed a little help with this one. My Noni helped me pin the edges were it was round and explained to me how to sew and "work" the pleats in with the sewing machine. It was tricky... and if you look closely you will see that I didn't do an expert-pay-me-by-the-hour sort of job. Its definitely amateur.. but whatevers. AC and I had fun re-doing the chair and it feels good to know that we did it ourselves. :)

I love my chair! And our nursery room colors are black, white and blue... so I thought this would be a great way to incorporate other colors into the room as well.

I have big plans to make new slipcovers for this chair in the future. It was actually really simple and I am excited to do it again! haha

SO Back to the BABE:

I had a doctor's appointment last week and was 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced! Which I know doesn't mean a whole lot, but its something! My friend was dilated at 2 cm for almost two weeks and when her water finally broke (7 days past her due date might I add) she was only dilated to 3cm! Aaaaahhh! I do have a doctor's appointment at 11:10am tomorrow! So lets hope I have made some progress! I am so excited to have Kekoa here and in my arms. And I am even more excited to see him in AC's arms. oh my gosh. I can't wait.

How far along? 38 weeks 6 days!
Weight gain/loss: 29 pounds people. May the pounds shed as quickly as they were gained.
Maternity clothes? I don't like anything but AC's shirts and shorts. 29 pounds.. remember?
Stretch marks? Whatever.
Sleep? is painful! I feel like I've been hit by a truck! No amount of snuggling or snoogling can help this pain. I'm heavy.
Best moment this week? Finishing the glider chair!
Movement: He doesn't stop mooooving!
Food cravings: cookies and milk and Lemonade! I can't drink enough lemonade.
Gender: Boy
Labor signs? I've had a few contractions which I think are painful, and Braxton Hicks contractions ALL DAY!
Belly button in or out? It basically has its own zipcode.
What I miss? Being able to get off the couch without needed an extra hand!
What I am looking forward to? Getting the mouse out of my house... that I will explain another day.
Weekly wisdom: Foot rubs, back rubs, belly rubs... any rub. Don't hesitate to ask. Its well deserved.
Dilation! 1/2 cm is still something!

39 weeks 6 days belly!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Makayla! You are my hero! That is not just recovering the glider- that is designer- the full deal with trim! It's gorgeous. I am so happy for you both setting up your home together. It is so fun sharing it with each other and I am thankful for your adorable blog- we feel so much closer to you! Can't wait for the big day- you are going to be WONDERFUL parents! Kekoa is very lucky to be yours.
    I love you! Dana
