Thursday, May 27

Pictures from Hawaii!

Pictures from Hawaii!

Here are some pictures from our recent trip to Hawaii! :) Yay!

Tuesday, May 25

How far along? 30 weeks 4 days!

Weight gain/loss: 21 pounds.. still holding it strong. Keep it coming. My goal is to gain 1/2 a pound a week from here on out.. that will be just right.

Sleep: Yes. Not enough. 8 hours used to be perfect... but I need at least ten! Plus getting up to use the bathroom five times a night doesnt quite allow for good sleep.

Best moment this week: My mom is buying my car! yaaaayyy! No more car payment while I am out of work and home with the baby!

Movement: He kicks and twists and turns a million times a day. my kick count card has been sooo easy!

Symptoms: <3>

Symptoms I DON'T have: Stretch marks on my belly, morning sickness (thank god thats over with!) Back pain.. not yet anyways..

Food cravings: Strawberries and cool whip, milk, chocolate milk, and today for some reason trader joes reduced fat cheese puffs... again.. <3buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrnn..>

Food aversions: Strangely my iced white chocolate decaf mochas. The first four months of my pregnancy I didnt even want to think about drinking any sort of coffee drink.. and anyone who knows me knows that I am OBSESSED with coffee... like four white mochas a day.. yeah.. thats me. Then they were finally tasting good again.. but for the last two weeks I haven't even been able to finish half of one.. they sort of taste weird to me. Not as good as I remember. I just want a cold water!

Gender: Our little baby boy William Kekoa!

Labor Signs: No, but I do have to say that the other night I made AC read me the preterm labor section of my What to Expect When Expecting book because these so called Braxton Hicks contractions were actually REALLY painful and I was getting really scared. If I went into labor right now I would a wreck! We don't take the childbirth preparation class until next Tuesday! I don't know how to breathe yet! AC doesn't know how to help me breathe! aaaaahhhhhhhhh

Belly Button in or out? OUT hahah I think its cute.

What I miss: Lets see.. my sauvignon blanc, my really hot bubble baths, my fat free back, my fat free legs, my fat free arms... okay I miss being fat free all around... and my TAN skin... I do miss the tanning bed. And being vegan.

What I am looking forward to: Being able to pick something up when I drop it. Now I just stare at it for a really long time debating if its even worth the effort.

Weekly Wisdom: This three day weekend and my mom coming over to help us finish up the nursery!!

Thursday, May 20

30 Weeks here we come!

My Auntie Mary was in town this last weekend for literally a day... and was able to come by my parents house for a quick visit!! My Uncle Rich was promoted at his work and had to move to Washington a few years ago.. taking my Auntie Mary and my favorite cousins in the whole wide world with them. It was devastating. I remember telling my Aunt on the phone to tell my uncle to NOT take the promotion because I didn't want them to move. haha I was sooo sad. But I have been able to visit them twice since they've lived there and they come down here to visit a lot more often then I ever thought they would!

My Auntie Mary is on the left and my Mom is on the right :) Kekoa and I are in the middle! haha

And here is AC with meeeee :)

Tomorrow marks 30 weeks! Aaaaaahhhhhh! We are getting so close to July 30th (Kekoa's estimated Birthday!)

So here is my planned days/weekends to make the time fly by:

May 23rd: Spiritleader Try Out Clinic.. Which I will be doing registration for and Brenda's baby shower!

May 24th: Macy Jo's first Semi Pro Soccer game in Marin and Painting baby furniture day (if it doesn't rain... lets hope its sunny!)

May 26th & 27th: Spiritleader Try Outs both nights

May 31st- Memorial Day! No Work for Meeeeeee!

June 9th- Christina and Jordan come to town and my next Prenatal Appointment

June 12th- Christina's Baby Shower!

June 26th- My Papa's 70th birthday!!

June 27th- MY Baby shower!! :)


July 3rd- Silverado Fireworks!

July 4th- Fourth of July

July 30th- Due Date! yaaaayyy!!

These next ten weeks are going to FLY by!! I can't even believe how fast its all happening!

Wednesday, May 19

Love My Man, Love Our Baby

I love my Man.

I love our Baby.

Saturday, May 15

We're Back!

We are back in town and ready to complete the Nursery!
Hopefully today we will be able to start painting the furniture.. or at least sanding it... lots to do.. so little time.. because there are only 11 weeks left! aaaaaaaahhhhh!!! 11! ELEVEN. and that is if I even go FULL TERM. Which I hope I do, but who knows!?

I had my prenatal appointment on Wednesday and Kekoa is growing perfectly! My belly measures 29 inches from the bottom of my uterus to the top (which is now directly in the middle of my sternum and my belly button.) I love it. My belly is growing each and everyday. HUGE I tell ya. HUGE. I now refer to my belly as Ginormica... Monsters vs. Aliens anyone? Kekoa's heartbeat is strong and very loud. I didn't get to see him on an ultrasound yet, but hopefully soon. AC and I are going to look into doing a 3D ultrasound so I will keep you posted!

I haven't loaded my pictures from my camera yet, so this is what I have from my iphone!

This is the onesie AC bought Kekoa! It says pig in hawaiian! :)

This is the Hut we stayed in at Kona Village! It was AMAZING! The most beautiful place I have ever been!
This is me and my love in front of our hut!
The flowers AC picked for me from his dad's property in Kona! Don't they look fake!? They are so beautiful and totally real!
And this was a picture that we took for my dad! He works on these machines daily! Haha I will upload more pictures after I get them from my camera! :) we have so many with Turtles and everything!

How far along? 29 weeks and 1 day :) 10 weeks and 6 days left!
Weight gain/loss: 21 1bs! Thats right.. only one pound more since my last appointment.. but then I had another appointment Friday for something other than the baby and I was down 3 pounds! Weird! Must be the water weight I'm guessing..
Maternity clothes? Love them. They stretch. I like stretchy things.
Stretch marks? I put my cocoa butter on daily.. more like hourly.. but my poor chest has not had any luck with the butter.. they aren't friends. But when you grow 3 cup sizes in a matter of weeks its pretty much inevitable. (My stomach on the other hand is doing great! Not one mark yet!) But let my just say I cannot wait to have little ones again.. I have no idea why people pay so much money for big boobs. They're horrible.
Sleep? Oh yea! I toss and turn a lot.. but the snoogle is still amazing and so is AC's snuggles. It keeps me relaxed.
Best moment this week? Hawaii! It was absolutely AMAZING. Kekoa is going to LOVE it.
Movement: IT NEVER ENDS! And he usually starts his MMA moves just as I am ready to fall asleep. And he LOVES to stretch out. so much that my stomach looks like I swallowed a ruler... horizontally. Its crazy! He's big I tell ya.
Food cravings: I honestly haven't had any real food cravings for any one thing. But when I do get a craving.. its a real one. Last night I was watching Kimora and there was a huge bowl of green grapes on her table and I called AC and asked him to stop and get some grapes on the way home from the gym. My mouth was literally watering.
Gender: BOY
Labor signs? Nope!
Belly button in or out? OUT. all day long.
What I miss? My firm body.
What I am looking forward to? My baby shower!! June 27th!
Weekly wisdom: Bath soaks. They are so relaxing.
Milestones: Almost there!

Wednesday, May 5

27 weeks 5 days!

Hello! We're almost at 28 weeks! Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh

How far along? 27 weeks 5 days!Ahhhhhhhh!
Weight gain/loss: +21 lbs... yeah.. yah heard me. 21.
Maternity clothes? YES. I love my maternity jeans.. but I still hate wearing any jeans in general.. its actually just anything fitted that will "hug" my body. Makayla and "fitted" are not to be used in the same sentence. I like flowy.. BIG and flowy.
Stretch marks? Oooohhh I've stretched. Let me tell you. Actually, lets not talk about this.
Sleep? Not much. I have pretty much become a night owl.
Best moment this week? Getting Koa moving around on VIDEO! (I have not figured out how to load it on the computer yet, but once I do I will upload it to my blog)
Movement: Koa is officially out of control. He is practicing his UFC moves in the womb.
Food cravings: Well, lately I have really been gettin after some tomatoes.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs? NO!
Belly button in or out? Officially.... out. You can see my bellybutton when I wear tight shirts. You can actually see it. There is a little bump. It is very odd.
What I miss? Small Boobs.
What I am looking forward to? Going to Hawaii tomorrow with my love and his family!
Weekly wisdom: Wait to do your baby registries until your hubby is playing call of duty. Then you can register for whhhaaaatttttever you like.
Third Trimester! 13 more weeks!!

This is 27 weeks 2 days. :) Right next to the crib!

Here is Koa's room (Painted!) and his new crib! The bottom drawer hasn't been put together yet because we are waiting for the screws to arrive from the company. While we were attempting to put it together the screw broke inside of the front piece of the drawer. I know.. Reeeeaaaal comforting.. but the company is sending us a new front piece and the right screws.

And our rug!! We found this rug for $30.00 and had to buy it! It looks cute and it will look even better once the rest of the furniture is in painted and placed in the right spot in the room. That lamp is from the living room, we were just using it for extra ligting while we put the crib together. It won't be staying in there for Koa. Sorry boy.

This is me at 27 weeks! I sent a picture to AC because he wanted to see his son. haha :)

I finally finished registering!! We registered at Babiesrus and Wishpot. I can't wait for my baby shower!! Which we decided on Sunday June 27th. yay! My Papa's 70th birthday is Saturday the 26th so it will be a fun weekend! Okay... nap time. :)