My name is Makayla Branco. I am 23 years old and probably the mosty clumsy person you will ever meet. I am happy go lucky about 99.9% of the time. I am the mom who does the finger dance while driving, which then turns into the wind shield wiper dance and on to the blinker dance. Thats how I roll. I love to work out, I love to eat cake pops and I hate counting calories. Eat what you want, run an extra mile has always been my moto. I have always wanted to run a marathon, but have yet to put my mind to it. I love to talk. Talk, talk, talk. It drives my family nuts, but its my thing.
I am married to the most amazing man in the world, AC. Our mutual friend had been trying to set us up for months, but it was never the right time for either of us. Then one day, when we were both free birds we finally met one another. There was instant chemistry and we spent every single day together thereafter. Literally people. Everyday. Obsessive some would say, but everyday. We completely fell in love, moved in together and the next thing you knew we were due with a baby boy in August 2010. We finally married July 23, 2011 and are now expecting our second child in April 2012. Its been a whirlwind these last few years, but we are enjoying and loving every minute of it.
I originally started this blog when I became pregnant with Koa to keep my out of town family updated and in the loop with my pregnancy. It has since then become something that I enjoy updating and has slowly led me into the world of blogging. Who knew that the blog world would hold so much information about so many different things. I swear you can learn just about ANYTHING from a blog.
I love all things DIY, crafty and basically anything involving paint. I am constantly collecting and adding items to my hoard much to AC's dismay. He is undoubtedly very patient with me and my DIY projects that I hardly have the time to get to. I like to think of myself as quite the DIYer, but to be honest I'm far from that. Every project I begin looks very easy, until I begin working and then I start kicking buckets and throwing paint brushes. I don't know what a drill bit is, I prefer to use a hatchet whenever possible and I tend to take the short cut to finishing my projects. I am turning a leaf with my DIY and studying other amazing DIY blogs so that I too can become the best furniture refinisher ever. EVER people. EVER. I want to start adding tutorials, reviews and project reveals to this blog of mine so that all my family and friends can see how crafty I've become. I have learned so much from the blog world and want to share!
Whoo Hoo!
Mrs. Branco