2. What is the most surprising symptom? The indigestion! OH MY GOSH. I have heard that the more heart burn and indigestion you have th emore hair your baby will have.. hahah Lets hope because I can't even eat a nutrigrain bar without feeling the burn.
3. What's something every pregnant woman should know? Your boobs will grow, and they won't stop, and you will either love them or hate them. (I HATE them)
4. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you while you're pregnant? Something funny happens every single day. This baby will be a hoot!
5. What is the one thing that annoys you the most during pregnancy? Getting dressed. NOTHING FITS. And if it does fit, it doesn't fit like you want it to. I get so annoyed everytime I even look in my closet.
6. What's the one thing you can't get enough of? Chocolate milk, sunflower seeds, and mochachinis... probably the culprit behind the five chins and eight cheeks...
7. What is the one piece of advice every pregnant woman should have? SLEEP. when you can and as much as you can and don't even tell yourself its too early to go to bed.
8. What is your favorite snack food? other than sunflower seeds, kettlekorn popcorn!
9. What food makes you sick? Well, I'm not sick anymore, but when I was really ill, EVERYTHING made me sick. Top Ramon was the only thing I could eat and not have to see again.
10. How well do you and daddy to be get along? Very well! I have never been more in love. :)
12. Boy or Girl? BOY!