Sunday, November 21

Hello Again.

Hello again! I now have time for a real post. :)
Kekoa is 3 months! OMG. I can't even believe it. He is growing so fast and I don't like it.
  1. He laughs and smiles AAAALLLL DDDAAAAAYYYYY!
  2. He gurgles all day long and spit bubbles.
  3. He drools and drools and drools.. we think he might be teething and Sophie the Giraffe is he absolute favorite thing right now. We don't leave home without it.
  4. He grabs onto almost anything you put in front of him. It takes him a few seconds, but once he gets it.. its his. You better hope he doesn't get a grip on your hair or it will be ripped from your head.
  5. He is an amazing traveler! He slept the entire 5 hour flight to Hawaii only waking up to eat on the descend. The flight home was just as nice. He was awake for about 2 hours of the 2.5 hour flight, but was just cruising on mama and daddy's laps. :)
  6. He is rooolllliiinnnnggggggg. I put him down for his afternoon nap on his back and when I went back in to check on him he had rolled onto his side. Sleeping soooo peacefully. SO CUTE.
  7. He is rooolllliiinnnnggggggg ALL THE WAY OVER! Okay, maybe not all the time... well actually he's only done it once. haha When we were in Hawaii he rolled from his back to his belly. And of course he would do this when I am NOT THERE. Yeah, I wasn't even at the house. I went out to dinner and AC was home wiht Kekoa. I of course was so excited, but very sad that I didn't get to see it. I'm still waiting for the next big roll.
  8. He loves to do a great hamstring stretch and he loves to grab his toes.
  9. He laughs OUT LOUD everytime we lay him down on his playmat to play with all the hanging toys.
  10. He pulls himself up when sitting on your lap and holding onto your hands. He goes from a flat back position to pulling hiself up to a sitting position. Again, so cute!

He is so flexible! He must have gotten this from his mama.
Doing his favorite hamstring stretch at the hotel at Mauna Kea.

Sleeping like a little child! I just love this picture. He is so adorabble.
Some other big news for us. I purchased some cloth diapers! Kellyscloset is a cloth diapering site that always has great coupons. Right now they are giving a free cloth diaper with a $29 purchase so I went to the site to order $29 worth of diapers, but once I got to the site I saw that if I would just spend $20 more I would get free shipping! Free shipping and a free cloth dipe!? Yes Sir! mainly because I hate spending $10 on just shipping.. like reeeaaallllyy ? So I bought three Perfect Fit Fuzzibunz (Which are on sale for 15.00) and a roll of Bummis Liners (which had great reviews!) and I get once cloth diaper free! That's 4 dipes and 100 sheets of flushable liners for $50. When we were in Hawaii we went to a cloth diaper store called Moon Sprout and they had 2 Bumgenius diaper for $15 USED.. which I was suckered into buying of course. I might as well try them out. Now I need to buy detergent that are cloth diaper safe so I can wash my new diapers. Any suggestions??
NEW DIYS! I am making so many holiday decorations this week. Stay tuned for some cheap DIYs! :)

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