Sunday, September 5

A Big Post of "Firsts"

Good Morning Everyone!
This post is a post of our "firsts" with Kekoa.
He finally took his first Bink, drank from his first bottle, my first time being away from him for more than an hour and a first for all of us.. family photos! :)
We had been trying to give Koa a pacifier for a few days and he just wanted almost nothing to do with it. But he finally gave into temptation. It has so far been the lifesaver to hold him off for a little bit while I get everything situated to start feeding him. I need to get the boppy (because he is way too heavy already,) my cell phone, something to drink (I get VERY thirsty while breastfeeding,) and the TV remote control. So the Bink is awesome!
The Bottle! OMG he drank from a bottle! Breastmilk that I pumped of course.. but we were really excited and AC was very happy to be feeding him finally. The first attempt at the bottle, he was SO hungry that I just don't think he could comprehend exactly what was happening. So I ditched the bottle and just put him on the boob! The next time we tried the bottle it took him a few minutes, but then he just started drinking away! I actually wasn't here.. this was my first.. I was getting my hair done.. and that was about a three hour process.. so he was home. ALONE. with AC. AC did a great job with him because he is the most amazing dad in the world. But I was still freaking out inside. Partly because I was nervous that he wouldn't take his bottle and mostly because I didn't want to be away from him. AC said that he drank the bottle SO quickly (I left 3.5 ounces) that he started warming up another bottle! Babies drink from bottle so fast compared to the boob. It took me almost twenty whole minutes to pump that bottle! But then after he burped he fell right asleep. No need for bottle number two and total waste of another twenty minutes of pumping milk. That milk is no longer good apparently because I was told you can't RE-regrigerate breast milk after you've already warmed it up. Bummer. But thats okay! There is more to pump. While I was gone, I looked at my phone every five minutes! Michelle, my hair dresser, was making fun of me. I didn't even have her blow dry my hair after the trim because I wanted to get home to see Kekoa! I ran right in and scooped him up and I just missed him so much. I definitely don't like being away from him. How do working mothers do it!?! I don't ever want to leave!
And finally, the first for all of us are our family photos! Caitlin O'Reilly, a friend and former softball player whom my dad coached, majored in Photography and just started her own photography busines.. Caitlin O'Reilly Photography. We took so many pictures and I can't wait to see them! She sent me a few that she quickly edited for a little sneak peek.
This is the very first family photo!! :)
This is my little man with his crib blanket. We special ordered this from Pottery Barn and I LOVE it. Right before leaving to do our outdoor photos, Kekoa was hungry.. so of course I fed him and was burping him here. :)We get to see the rest of the photos and place our print orders on Wednesday and I am SO excited!
This was from the other day at my friend Christina's house! :) Isn't he ADORABLE?!

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